30 years in experience working closely with clients to recognize the potential risks and the exposures that companies and families encounter on a daily basis


Work with someone who cares!

We specialize in providing personalized retirement plans, employee benefit programs & mortgage financing solutions.
Over 30+ years of experience in:
  • Finance
  • Mortgages
  • Benefits

We represent some of the top-rated insurance companies in the industry

We got into this business to help people. In other words, we save consumers money, aid businesses in reducing risk, and help families protect and preserve their financial futures. We live by one basic philosophy – What is best for the client is best for our business.

The value of an independent insurance agent

As in independent insurance agency, we have access to a multitude of insurance carriers to offer you or your business the best coverage options at competitive prices. In other words, we work for you and not the insurance company.
our testimonials

What they’re talking about company

We’re trusted by more then
3800 satisfied & happy customers.

Ready to to get started?

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What clients are saying about Fit Insurance Group.




88 Broklyn Golden Road Street,
New York. USA

Mon – Sat: 8:00am to 6:00pm
Sun: Closed


Great insurance your solutions for life and business

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